Monday, November 16, 2009

Seizures in Pets

Experience can be your precious dog or a cat with a fit of a very frightening experience. During seizures pets often lose control, fall over, chomp their teeth, saliva, or spit, whine, paddle with their feet and begin to urinate or deficate up. Their eyes become large extended () and unresponsive. A pet caregiver feels panicked and helpless while all this happened.

I hope that you and your pet never, and never have this shocking experienceEvent. But if you have or if you see in the future, this article will help you understand what causes seizures, what you can do while your pet after an attack, and the various treatment options available.

What are the causes of the track is a cause of epilepsy. Certain breeds are more prone to epilepsy. These include: cocker spaniels, poodles, collies, German shepherds, Irish Setter, Golden Retriever, Dachshund, Labrador Retriever, Saint Bernard, MiniatureSchnauzers, Siberian Huskies, and Wire-haired terrier. Veterinarians are not sure what causes this "hereditary epilepsy.

In cats hereditary epilepsy is unusual. Veterinarians can usually the cause of the seizures. These include chemical toxins (chemical preservatives used in many pet foods include), brain tumors, leukemia, feline infections, peritonitis, feline AIDS, head trauma, and problems with the liver and kidneys.

In dogs, there are many causesSeizures besides hereditary epilepsy. Allergies to foods and chemicals, preservatives, artificial flavors, and put in the foods can cause epileptic seizures. Other causes include liver and kidney diseases, tumors, poisonings, and low blood sugar.

What can you do while your pet after an attack? Try to stay calm. It's hard to do, but is a calm, reassuring voice of calm comfort your dog or cat. Move any furniture or other objects on which your pet could hurt itself. If younot in a position to object, place pillows or wrap blankets between the pet and the object move. Slide something soft under your pet's head, but be sure to keep your hands and face away from the head, so you do not risk a possible bite. You can easily stroke his hip or side, but position yourself opposite the side of the feet and toenails, the muscle spasms make the feet into the clutches of the gouge or rake your skin red. Turn off the lights and keep the environment as quiet as possible byTurn off the TV and loud music.

If possible, take notes about the seizure so that you can give details of your veterinarian. Note the time of the day came, the length of each seizure and the time between each attack, if they are repeated. Your veterinarian will also want to know whether your pet urinated or deficated if the seizure hit suddenly or developed from mere body twitching, whether your pet regained consciousness came, and how long it took before your pet appeared normal again. InIn addition, you need to find out whether it is still possible triggering events. These include loud noises such as exercise play fireworks, unusual items that were eaten, and excessive or.

Appear to be lost after the seizure, usually pets or stunned. These drugs can state a few minutes to several hours, depending on the severity of the attack. Your pet can respond to you, but not so in a very slow manner. Since seizures are exhausting for your pet, he will probably want toSleep afterwards. It is best to sleep with him, but check in on him occasionally without disturbing his rest too.

If this is your pet first seizure, call your veterinarian as soon as possible. Some vets will want to see if another seizure occurs, while others a variet of blood tests carried out in order for anemia, liver and heart functions, calcium, glucose check, and electrolyte levels. Your vet may even run a screen for possible toxins, take x-rays, or perform an electroencephalogram.

TheTest results may not be the exact reasons for the seizure. In this case, you can wait for your veterinarian to see if another seizure occurs or he / she recommend medication. If the diagnosis is epilepsy, pets have an excellent chance to lead a normal life as long as adequate medical care and follow-up live, are provided.

When you discover the cause of the seizure, you may be able to eliminate future seizures by eliminating the seizure of the source. For example, if the seizure by chemical toxins,Make sure your pet remains as free of toxins as possible. Enter the human touch of food and treats, no chemical preservatives, fillers or by-products. Clean your house with chemical-free products. Also, use more natural flea, tick & heartworm prevention products as some of these products can reduce your pet seizure threshold and make seizures more difficult to control. Avoid products with organophosphates. For safer heartworm prevention, use productscontaining interceptor and filaribits.

What can you do if your pet's seizure condition can not be cured, you see, you and your pet to live with the seizures? In the past, the only treatment options available to strong anticonvulsants that could have serious side effects were. They can still your only option. But found a more natural approaches to help some animals, either prior to stronger medications or in addition to them, so you may be able to lowerDose. There are a variety of treatment options that a natural diet, acupuncture, nutritional supplements, homeopathy, herbal and conventional medicines included.

As mentioned above, give your pet a human judgment diet free of chemicals and additives. Also, remove other toxins from the environment of your pet. Clean with natural products and use more natural flea, tick and heartworm prevention measures.

You minimize your pet's stress in your life. Try to avoid sudden changes in itsEnvironment, loud noises and other stressful situations.

You can also use herbs, as a sedative. These include valerian, kava, skullcap and oatstraw. Note that when using herbs and supplements, you may need to lower the dosage of other anticonvulsants.

Several supplements appear to help prevent seizures. Try an antioxidant combination of vitamin C, E, B-6, and selenium. Your veterinarian can recommend the dosage for your pet. Magnesium and DMG (dimethyl glycine) areOther helpful additions.

Acupuncture is another helpful option which has helped to control seizures in many pets. Sometimes it's enough of a task the ear acupuncture tack in a dog attacks will stop, and this requires only visit an acupuncture.

If the ear does not work, tack, are gold implants in different locations under a pet's head placed. Or your pet can be treated with traditional Chinese acupuncture.

As you can see, there are many natural approaches toTreatment of seizures in pets. This should help your beloved pet to live a normal and comfortable life.

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